Finding appreciation in what you do, want to do but is tough, at what life may throw at us.
When I first thought about blogging, I was petrified. Telling others my thoughts, opinions, my way of parenting, showing vulnerability, being on show, no way…it was too much to ask of little ol’ me. At first I couldn’t break down the wall I had built around me over this issue. So what could I do to get me closer to the end goal, blogging in this instance. I started by putting on FB a status of my thoughts, opinions and sent it to my friends. Even this was tough, but I did it and once I did, it wasn’t so bad. I kept doing it until the fear passed. Then came writing an actual blog. It was an incredible wall to climb, knock down but I did it. And I am so thankful I found the courage to do so. Out of what once was fear and the unknown, has come great appreciation for the gift blogging has given me. Without knowing when I started, blogging has helped me by getting my thoughts down on paper, by processing the million things going on in my head, to create much needed space. It has been incredibly therapeutic and soul soothing. Plus I have realised I love to write.
It is sometimes hard to face the fear and do it anyway, let alone find appreciation in things you might not even like to do, but feel you have to, or people you might not like very much, but have to spend time with. Appreciation can be found in anything and everything if you look hard enough and change your perspective and once you find the appreciation, the learning can be incredible.
Does anything come to mind for you from reading this? Or do you have a challenge you are currently facing? Try finding the appreciation in that challenge and see what comes up for you.
Anything you like to share, I would love to hear from you. We learn from others, so let’s share for all to learn and grow.